Highly Profitable Custom Digital Printer
Price: $2,500,000
Listing ID: JB03012023
Listing Status: New
Year Established: 1974
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Absentee Owner: No
Real Estate: $550,000
Real Estate Included: Yes
Square Footage: 8,600
Relocatable: No
Facilities Information: This truss building is located on the northwest side of Chicago about a half mile from the Kennedy/Edens junction.
Reason For Sale: Looking to retire
Training & Support: Yes
Owner Qualifications: Compassion for the employees. My dad always told me to treat the employees the way you would like to be treated. I take a keen interest in my employees and help them any way I can. I have hired felons and homeless vets and, for the most part, they have appreciated the opportunity and given back as much as they get.
Competition: There are very few competitors for our niche business. We encourage young designers just starting out to jump into the digital end with it's low minimums and encourage them to expand slowly as they build their portfolios and, possibly, to move into screen printing as their marketing permits.
Financing/Terms: Open to seller financing/earn-out structure